At Forex, we are always looking for better ways to be of service to you, after all we understand that without you, there is no us.
With this in mind we have acquired phone numbers that are local to you, which means no special numbers have to be called. See the Forex local phone numbers which go directly to our Customer Service team.
New South Wales and ACT: 02 87770000
South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia: 08 6393 7200
Queensland: 07 3463 8809
Victoria and Tasmania: 03 8736 7687
With this new local phone numbers made available, we would like to announce that we will be switching off the 1300 phone number by March 31.
Please update our contact information in your records and you may call us free of charge on our localized numbers.
Don’t forget that we are also providing other means of communicating to us, like via:
Email, at customercare@forexcargo.com.au
Online Chat with us https://bit.ly/forexwebchat
Or through our Social Media pages:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/auforexcargo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/forexcargoaus/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/forexcargoAUS
We hope to hear from your soon.